Design with 11,876+ Free Icons, Illustrations, and 3D Assets

Free SVG icons for your graphic design, UI, social media, and mobile specially curated by pro designers at Noice by Creatosaurus.

Supported by the Best


Open-source Free Icons

Open-source Free Icons

With our open-source, always-free icons, you can unlock the world of design possibilities. Designed for creators and innovators, our collection empowers you to craft without limits. Our icons are curated by pro designs to serve as the foundation for your creativity. Our icons are available for free.

3D Illustrations

3D Illustrations

3D illustrations are a vital part of today's design and communication, helping to engage people in our increasingly visual digital world. In this growing form of art, designers and artists can express complex ideas, create captivating stories, and share detailed rich tales using 3D illustrations where technology meets art.

Retro Icons

Retro Icons

With our curated retro icons you can navigate to the portals of the past, invoking a sense of nostalgia and a yearning for simpler times. Retro icons serve as a reminder that, as technology advances, the trend of retro symbols continues, making them a treasured and enduring component of our visual culture.



In today's world of design where visuals convey the story, Illustrations help designers, marketers, or anyone to convey emotions without the language barrier. Our designers have made these curated illustrations to empower you to convey emotions, convey messages, and spark the imagination. Use our illustrations today to add the human touch to your design.

300+ Free Icons Categories

300+ Free Icons Categories

Apart from Retro, 3D illustrations, and illustrations, Creatosaurus’s designers bring you more than 100+ categories to find the same look and feel icons for your graphic designs, UI, Mobile, and social media. You can request our team to create an icon set for you. So designers and creators why wait anymore start using Creatosaurus’s Amazing Free Icons library available to download in SVG.

Muse - Online Photo Editing Tool & Free Graphic Design Editor

Our pro design tool offers a wide range of templates for your social media designs. Create stunning visuals, customize templates, and make your brand stand out. Elevate your design game with our user-friendly online graphic design tool today!

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Noice API for Developers

Easily add resources to your apps. Get up and running quickly with our diverse assets libraries like icons, vectors, illustrations, photos and more. Looking to integrate? Connect with us.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get free icons?


Are Creatosaurus icons free?


How to contribute and submit your work on Noice?


Chat, generate & design without limit with Muse AI Photo editor