Daniel LaMonte Quotes

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Daniel, I was asked of a budding author, how do you know if your story is on track? My answer: I start by knowing my intention, my target. Then, with purpose, I write the scene that unfolds before me, as faithfully as is human. - Daniel LaMonte

Daniel LaMonte
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Similar Quotes by Daniel LaMonte

Daniel, I was asked of a budding author, how do you know if your story is on track? My answer: I start by knowing my intention, my target. Then, with purpose, I write the scene that unfolds before me, as faithfully as is human. - Daniel LaMonte

Daniel LaMonte
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LUCE: You really beleive this? That someday I'll live through this?DANIEL: With all my heart and soul, I will wait for you as long as it takes. I will love you every moment across time.-Daniel & Luce, PASSION

Lauren Kate, Passion
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Of the Phoenix kids, the one Derek got along best with was Daniel. In him, Daniel had found a good sparring partner. And a plotting partner, too. Derek wasn’t just the biggest and strongest in our group. He was also the smartest. Scary, off-the-charts smart. That intimidated Daniel a little at first—he’s bright, but he needs to work for his grades. But Derek wasn’t a show-off or a know-it-all, so they got past that and we would hang out together, the two guys, Chloe, and I planning and plotting our future, bouncing ideas off one another.

Kelley Armstrong, The Rising
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If this letter system works, it should be reproducible and consistent. If this letter system works, it should be demonstrated in biblical narrative—with consistency. It has. It does. It will. For instance: Daniel interpreted the handwriting on the Babylonian wall. (Da 5:1-31) The question has always been, “What method would produce the same interpretation?” If you will pull out your Strong’s Concordance and translate those same four words, you won’t get the same results that Daniel got. Was Daniel using a different method than modern Christians? Yes, obviously.

Michael Ben Zehabe, The Meaning of Hebrew Letters: A Hebrew Language Program for Christians
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The only way to survive eternity is to be able to appreciate each moment -daniel grigori (fallen)

daniel grigori
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If you’re going to be passionate about something, be passionate about learning.If you’re going to fight something, fight for those in need.If you’re going to question something, question authority.If you’re going to lose something, lose your inhibitions.If you’re going to gain something, gain respect and confidence.And if you’re going to hate something, hate the false idea that you are not capable of your dreams.― Daniel Golston

Daniel Golston
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Stallions," Frank said, "they're fightin' over a girl. - DANIEL'S ESPERANZA

Veronica Randolph Batterson, Daniel's Esperanza
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This is a place of mystery, Daniel, a sanctuary. Every book, every volume you see here, has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed with it. Every time a book changes hands, every time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens. This place was already ancient when my father brought me here for the first time, many years ago. Perhaps as old as the city itself. Nobody knows for certain how long it has existed, or who created it. I will tell you what my father told me, though. When a library disappears, or a bookshop closes down, when a book is consigned to oblivion, those of us who know this place, its guardians, make sure that it gets here. In this place, books no longer remembered by anyone, books that are lost in time, live forever, waiting for the day when they will reach a new reader's hands. In the shop we buy and sell them, but in truth books have no owner. Every book you here has been somebody's best friend. Now they only have us, Daniel. Do you think you'll be able to keepsuch a secret?' My gaze was lost in the immensity of the place and itssorcery of light. I nodded, and my father smiled.

Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind
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For a lie to add piquancy to a story the story would be factual. Fantasy needs no lie to stimulate or excite. But if the factual story is contrived or fallacious then it’s the fantasy that is the lie.Daniel Kemp

Daniel Kemp, The Desolate Garden
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Possibility is limitless.

Daniel S. Fletcher, Jackboot Britain
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