Shereen Malherbe Quotes

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Jasmine shook her head. She had forgotten about the tales of the Jinn that her father warned her about. Now, being here the memories were returning like a slow and purposeful spider. With its long, black legs the nightmares would creep into her mind each time she closed her eyes. Then, she would see through the creature’s murky eyes. She would see the carcass of a deer as it lay in the glistening white. She would watch the hyena tearing at its sweated flesh, blood seeping into the snow forming warm pools of death around her feet. And in that moment, the deer shifted. It shifted into the shape of a young boy.

Shereen Malherbe
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Jasmine shook her head. She had forgotten about the tales of the Jinn that her father warned her about. Now, being here the memories were returning like a slow and purposeful spider. With its long, black legs the nightmares would creep into her mind each time she closed her eyes. Then, she would see through the creature’s murky eyes. She would see the carcass of a deer as it lay in the glistening white. She would watch the hyena tearing at its sweated flesh, blood seeping into the snow forming warm pools of death around her feet. And in that moment, the deer shifted. It shifted into the shape of a young boy.

Shereen Malherbe, Jasmine Falling
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We are never truly peaceful about donning a masquerade to appear to be something we are not. We want to come to the PARTY dressed as ourselves and when we do, we feel natural and free." from Are You Ready?The Night Blooming Jasmine in Your Heart 

Marie Helena, The Night Blooming Jasmine in Your Heart
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The smell of jasmine makes people tell their secrets

Jandy Nelson, I'll Give You the Sun
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She is the fragrance of a dozen jasmines.

Avijeet Das
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In the spring of 1988, I returned to New Orleans, and as soon as I smelled the air, I knew I was home. It was rich, almost sweet, like the scent of jasmine and roses around our old courtyard. I walked the streets, savoring that long lost perfume.

Anne Rice, Interview with the Vampire
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Simple survival is never as ordinary as it seems!

Jasmine Sparks, Dolly
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Life is never just in your own hands ...

Jasmine Sparks, Dolly
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Meanwhile, spring came, and with it the outpourings of Nature. The hills were soon splashed with wild flowers; the grass became an altogether new and richer shade of green; and the air became scented with fresh and surprising smells -- of jasmine, honeysuckle, and lavender.

Dalai Lama XIV, Freedom in Exile: The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama
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The secret weapon is cucumber.'Solange sat all the way up. 'Jasmine, cover your ears.'MaryAnn, Juliette and Jasmine burst out laughing.'Sheesh, Solange. Get your mind out of the gutter.''MY mind is just fine, thank you. It's MaryAnn's I'm concerned about.''You put them on your eyes,' MaryAnn said, laughing even harder.

Christine Feehan, Dark Possession
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They were close enough that he could feel the hurried beat of her heart. He could feel Charlotte's indecision in every word she didn't say and every move she didn't make. She was tense with uncertainty, quivering with irresolution. She might not be leaning into him, but she wasn't pulling away, either.

Lauren Willig, The Temptation of the Night Jasmine
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