Machine Gun Kelly Quotes

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But if you can't take me at my worstYou don't deserve me at my best"~ Machine Gun Kelly ft. Hallie Steinfield: "At My Best

Machine Gun Kelly
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But if you can't take me at my worstYou don't deserve me at my best"~ Machine Gun Kelly ft. Hallie Steinfield: "At My Best

Machine Gun Kelly
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I gave a Christmas party last year - well, two Christmases ago - where I did a Sam Cooke show. I didn't perform as R. Kelly. I performed the Sam Cooke show from 1964, when he performed at the Copacabana.

R. Kelly
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I had a lot of nights alone,” Kelly said. Nick raised his head, and their noses brushed. Kelly’s breath was warm against his lips. “I called your name every damn time.

Abigail Roux, Shock & Awe
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Little thieves get shot, but great ones escape.” Kelly Oliver, WOLF: A Jessica James Mystery

Kelly Oliver, Wolf
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He thought of what his mother always said whenever he cut himself, “Dimka, scars are time’s alphabet.” If so, his body was covered in poetry, his soul contained an entire encyclopedia of pain and loss..." Kelly Oliver, WOLF: A Jessica James Mystery

Kelly Oliver, Wolf
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An old adage warns: If you don't know your history, you will be forever condemned to repeat it. Likewise, if you don't know your science fiction, and heed its warnings, you could condemn the Earth to future catastrophe.

Kelly Steed
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He closed the pages and stuffed them back into his jacket. Keeping his eyes cast downwards as he sipped his wine, he pulled out and lit a cigarette – almost a post-coital gesture. from The Willow Lake Group by Kelly Proudfoot

Kelly Proudfoot, The Willow Lake Group
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Considering I'm a writer, you leave me strangely bereft of words.

Kelly Moran, All of Me
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A monster. You and your friends, all of you. Pretty monsters. It's a stage all girls go through. If you're lucky you get through it without doing any permanent damage to yourself or anyone else.

Kelly Link
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A city full of eight million people. It was all rather lonely sometimes.

Kelly Moran, All of Me
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