Kirsten Hubbard Quotes

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You can't control the past, but you can control where you go next.

Kirsten Hubbard
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Similar Quotes by Kirsten Hubbard

You can't control the past, but you can control where you go next.

Kirsten Hubbard, Wanderlove
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I've come to realize that sometimes, what you love most is what you have to fight the hardest to keep.

Kirsten Hubbard, Wanderlove
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Though he wouldn't dare admit that he might have felt more for her. He wasn't ready to care for a person that much when he still didn't care too highly for himself. most days Landon regarded himself as a lost soul, a wanderer. Who could love such a man?

Shawn Kirsten Maravel, The Wanderer
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...Rusty followed. “You should probably pull out your gun. Whatever is in there made enough noise to make me believe it wasn’t a bug.” Kirsten’s stride faltered, and she came to a stop at the door. “Okay, I’m gonna come clean right now. I cannot stand rats or mice. Snakes scare me less. So if I get in there and I see a furry vermin, I will scream like a little girl. If you tell anyone you witnessed that, I will ticket you every time you pull out of your driveway. Are we clear?” “Are you sure you don’t want me to go to the store?” Kirsten met Rusty’s gaze. “Are you clear on what I just said?” “Yep.

Robin Alexander, Rusty Logic
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I like sundresses with cowboy boots, little shorts with big wedge heels and a big piece of turquoise. I also love classic, Old Hollywood romantic styles. I'm 'country girl meets city girl' circa 1930.

Kirsten Prout
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If we expect our children to thrive at our colleges and universities, and succeed in our economy once they graduate - first we must make quality, affordable early childhood education accessible to all.

Kirsten Gillibrand
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I'm never going to say anything about who I'm dating unless I'm married or engaged.

Kirsten Dunst
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As we all know, there is no harder or more rewarding job than being a mom.

Kirsten Gillibrand
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I'd like to grow up and be beautiful. I know it doesn't matter, but it doesn't hurt.

Kirsten Dunst
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I can't imagine having a real personal thing, like divorce and marriage, all those things, being in the public eye. I try to not talk about anything personal, and then nobody has the fire to throw back at you, like 'You said this back then!'

Kirsten Dunst
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