Lisa Antonio Quotes

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The strength of a woman far exceeds the brawn of a man. ~Lisa Antonio

Lisa Antonio
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Similar Quotes by Lisa Antonio

The strength of a woman far exceeds the brawn of a man. ~Lisa Antonio

Lisa Antonio
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I love people who choose to surprise the sad ones, Just to make them smile!

Artist Lisa May
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There is no lifeguard on duty. We each swim at our own risk during this short journey." ~ Lisa Fantino/Amalfi Blue

Lisa Fantino, Amalfi Blue, lost & found in the south of Italy
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If the landscape of human emotion were to exist in country, it would be in Italy." ~Lisa Fantino/Amalfi Blue

Lisa Fantino, Amalfi Blue, lost & found in the south of Italy
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In the cool dark basement, she whispers, "It's not Ralph, is it?"Cabel's quiet for a moment, as if he's thinking, "You mean like Forever Ralph? Uh, no.""You've read Forever?" Janie is incredulous. "There wasn't much else to chose from on the hospital library cart, and Deenie was always checked out," Cable says sarcastically. "Did you like it?"Cabel laughs softly, "Um...well, it wasn't the wisest thing to read for a fourteen-year-old guy with fresh skin grafts in the general area down there, if you know what I mean.

Lisa McMann, Gone
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Rigg laughed softly at Lisa’s deadpan joke, but she halted when she noticed the back of Lisa’s neck: the factory number had been shaved away, roughly and angrily. Frowning in confusion, Rigg gently rubbed her fingers over the scrape, and Lisa flinched as if it hurt.“If someone saw this, you could be scrapped,” Rigg said anxiously. “I know,” was the soft reply. “I believe freedom is worth that risk.

Ash Gray, The Thieves of Nottica
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For as long as I've known him, Sam has been trying to out-run his demons. But he can't see the truth. His problems - they never sleep, never take a break. They'll wear him down before he can wear them out.

Lisa Magnum
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Mind gleams in every atom of the Universe.

Lisa Mason
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Ah. That is the price of love, I'm afraid—the pain one suffers from its loss. I'm not convinced it's worth it. Perhaps if one must love, one should do so in moderation.""Moderation in love," she mused aloud. "It's not something that would inspire a poet, is it?""A poet's view of the world would make for an uncomfortable life, wouldn't it? Everyone at the mercy of his or her passions, all of us tearing our hair out for the sake of love...

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The thought of being with Shay Wilder makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a butter knife

Lisa McMann, Fade
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