A.E. Via Quotes

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Do me a favor, Ro,” Day said calmly.“What’s that?” Ronowski peeked around Johnson again.“Johnson won’t be with you all the time. Remind me to kick your ass later,” Day said.Ronowski came to stand in front of Day, looked at his watch and smirked. “Sure, what time works for you?”Day looked at his watch too. “Uhhh, let’s see. How’s five thirty, is that good?”“I just remembered I’m busy at five thirty.”“So what time can you be there?”“I can do five thirty-five.”“Damn, that’s cutting it close. I might be a little late, but wait on my ass whippin’.”“Will you dumb asses shut up? Lord help us…they’ve bonded.” The captain tried to suppress his laugh. “God, how the hell do you put up with Day’s mouth?”“I got something that’ll make him shut him up,” God said in a deep voice.Everyone groaned and scrunched their faces up in disgust.“We don’t want to hear that shit, God. Ugh,” the captain said while pouring his cup of coffee.God looked at Day and saw he wasn’t the slightest bit fazed and if he knew his lover—which he most certainly did—Day would not let him get the last word.“It’s all a mind game that I play with God. He thinks he’s shutting me up…but when he’s finished with my mouth…I start talking again.” Day winked.“I’m leaving. I should write your asses up for inappropriate conduct in front of a superior.” The captain hauled ass out of the room.Johnson and Ronowski were shaking their heads too and telling Day “he sure knew how to clear a room.”“I got to get back across town,” Johnson said and bent down and whispered something in Ronowski’s ear that made the man turn red.God tried to pull Day away but he refused to budge. When Johnson said good-bye to them and left out the room, Day mock whispered to Ronowski. “I told you. One good pounding is all you—”“For fucks sake, Leo,” Ronowski groaned, grabbing his soda hightailing it out of there before Day could finish his sentence.

A.E. Via
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Do me a favor, Ro,” Day said calmly.“What’s that?” Ronowski peeked around Johnson again.“Johnson won’t be with you all the time. Remind me to kick your ass later,” Day said.Ronowski came to stand in front of Day, looked at his watch and smirked. “Sure, what time works for you?”Day looked at his watch too. “Uhhh, let’s see. How’s five thirty, is that good?”“I just remembered I’m busy at five thirty.”“So what time can you be there?”“I can do five thirty-five.”“Damn, that’s cutting it close. I might be a little late, but wait on my ass whippin’.”“Will you dumb asses shut up? Lord help us…they’ve bonded.” The captain tried to suppress his laugh. “God, how the hell do you put up with Day’s mouth?”“I got something that’ll make him shut him up,” God said in a deep voice.Everyone groaned and scrunched their faces up in disgust.“We don’t want to hear that shit, God. Ugh,” the captain said while pouring his cup of coffee.God looked at Day and saw he wasn’t the slightest bit fazed and if he knew his lover—which he most certainly did—Day would not let him get the last word.“It’s all a mind game that I play with God. He thinks he’s shutting me up…but when he’s finished with my mouth…I start talking again.” Day winked.“I’m leaving. I should write your asses up for inappropriate conduct in front of a superior.” The captain hauled ass out of the room.Johnson and Ronowski were shaking their heads too and telling Day “he sure knew how to clear a room.”“I got to get back across town,” Johnson said and bent down and whispered something in Ronowski’s ear that made the man turn red.God tried to pull Day away but he refused to budge. When Johnson said good-bye to them and left out the room, Day mock whispered to Ronowski. “I told you. One good pounding is all you—”“For fucks sake, Leo,” Ronowski groaned, grabbing his soda hightailing it out of there before Day could finish his sentence.

A.E. Via
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Ask him about the cemeteries, Dean!"In 1966 upon being told that President Charles DeGaulle had taken France out of NATO and that all U.S. troops must be evacuated off of French soil President Lyndon Johnson mentioned to Secretary of State Dean Rusk that he should ask DeGaulle about the Americans buried in France. Dean implied in his answer that that DeGaulle should not really be asked that in the meeting at which point President Johnson then told Secretary of State Dean Rusk:"Ask him about the cemeteries Dean!"That made it into a Presidential Order so he had to ask President DeGaulle.So at end of the meeting Dean did ask DeGaulle if his order to remove all U.S. troops from French soil also included the 60,000+ soldiers buried in France from World War I and World War II.DeGaulle, embarrassed, got up and left and never answered.

Lyndon B. Johnson
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You don't get the good shots sitting on your ass in the bad weather- Mark Johnson

Alan Place, Chronicles of Mark Johnson-8 short ghost stories
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A true revolution is about making those who are comfortable with corruption, uncomfortable. It's about pointing your fingers in the right direction and with nothing but the truth, will come power. A power not to exploit the Liberian people. But an ability to restore liberty, justice, and prosperity for all." - Henry Johnson Jr

Henry Johnson Jr, Liberian Son
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Dove held out a hand to Johnson, and he took it—not because they were fleeing a fire and not because she was holding a million dollars. He took her hand to wrap his fingers around hers. His long, long fingers. Her knees went a little watery. Johnson placed a hand on her lower back to steady her. Her ass went a little watery. The trip up her stairs took longer than Ulysses on his epic journey. Johnson took the keys from her hand and opened her door.

Debra Anastasia, Fire Down Below
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That’s sweet. Nice of you.” Johnson put his hands in his pockets. Dove couldn’t help but wonder if he was massaging a sore bag of testicles. Dove looked around, and Johnson shuffled his feet. It seemed neither knew what to say, but she hoped neither wanted to part ways either. Johnson’s default was always medical. “How’s your infection?” Die. Die. Kill me. “It’s… cleared up… nicely.” Dove twisted her hand into her hair.

Debra Anastasia, Fire in the Hole
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Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings." Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson
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Wyatt’s lips flatten into a serious line. His voice goes low, laced with passion. “Marrying one woman doesn’t mean spending your life with one woman, because the funny girl you fall in love with on a first date at twenty-eight eventually becomes the fascinating creature you propose to at thirty, then evolves into the stunning bride you wait for at the end of an aisle at thirty-two, and finally grows into the astounding mother to your children at thirty-four. By forty, she has blossomed into the businesswoman, the force to be reckoned with. By the time you’re fifty or sixty or seventy or a hundred, she’s been everything — your wife, your lover, your friend, your companion, your sous-chef, your travel partner, your life coach, your confidant, your cheerleader, your critic, your most stalwart advisor. She grows with you. She changes with you. She is always stable, but never stagnant. She is not one woman. She is a thousand versions of herself, a multitude of layers, an infinite ocean whose depths you plumb over a lifetime, whose many treasures and intricacies, quirks and idiosyncrasies you need an entire marriage to explore.” His voice softens. “A man should be so lucky to spend his life stuck with one woman such as that.”-Julie Johnson, "The Monday Girl

Julie Johnson
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I think people should put more emphasis on love, family, and caring for other people. We focus so much on the negative and bad in life, we need to focus more on the positive and happy things.

Delano Johnson
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God came up and kissed Day on his forehead. When Day looked over at Johnson, who was still slowly sipping his soda, the guy did look lonely as hell. Before Day could say something kind, his other headache strolled in.“Oh hell. What the fuck is going on in here? This must be the officer’s gay alliance club meeting.”Day blew an exasperated breath. “And now that you’re here, Ronowski, all members are present and we can begin.”Day smiled as God and Johnson practically spit their drinks out laughing.Ronowski fumed. “Day, you’re going to stop calling me gay! I have never been gay! I will never be gay, and I don’t like anyone that is gay! So stop saying that before people start believing your bullshit!”Day clapped his hands together once. “Okay everyone those are the notes from last week’s meeting, now on to new business.” Day leveled Ronowski with a stern glare. “Ronowski, you are gay, man. You’re tightly closeted. But you are indeed gay, ultra-gay. You’re fuckin’ Marvin Gay. You crash landed on Earth when your gay planet exploded.” Day moved away from God and stood in front of an openmouthed Ronowski. “Come out of the closet already. It’s so bright and wonderful out here. Dude, I’ve seen Brokeback Mountain too, don’t believe that bullshit. No one cares who you fuck…ya know…like you tell me every. Single. Day. Of. My. Life,” Day said exaggeratedly.He stepped in so close to Ronowski that he could smell the body wash he used.“Let a man bang your back out one time.” Day leaned in to the man’s ear and felt Ronowski’s body give a fierce shutter. “I mean pound your ass so hard that you can’t walk straight for a week, and I guarantee you, you’ll want to march in the next gay pride parade, wearing nothing but a glitter jockstrap and a fuckin’ hot-pink feather boa.” Day stepped back and saw the beads of sweat that had popped up on Ronowski’s forehead. Satisfied he’d proven his point he refilled his coffee and left the break room.

A.E. Via
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