Ralph Lauren Quotes

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It's all possible and I'm living proof.

Ralph Lauren
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Similar Quotes by Ralph Lauren

It's all possible and I'm living proof.

Ralph Lauren, Ralph Lauren
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Watching my dad, Ralph Lauren, design clothes when I was young, I was always inspired.

Dylan Lauren
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I went to my boss, and I said, 'Look, I'd like to design these ties because I think they could be new.' He said, 'The world isn't ready for Ralph Lauren.' I never forgot that because... I thought that was a compliment.

Ralph Lauren
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The kindest thing you can offer an author is a review and a star rating. So appreciated. THE GOLDEN PEACOCK has had a successful 5-star run on Goodreads and on Amazon. Thank you!” Lauren B. Grossman

Lauren B. Grossman
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My father warned me that you’re an interloper. He told me I should make you leave, since we’re no longer married and you’re not my concern,” he says. The thought gives me a chill. Yes, I’m sure Vaughn would love for his son to abandon me, so that Vaughn can swoop in and reclaim me the second I’m alone. But Linden adds, “I told him that wouldn’t be a good idea either.

Lauren DeStefano, Sever
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I think I miss Ben,” she told Lauren one night. “No, you don’t,” Lauren said. “But sometimes, I really think I do.” Lauren sighed. “Isabella, you miss the essence of a boy. That’s all.

Jennifer Close, Girls in White Dresses
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There is no dark, darker than the distorted great light.

Lauren Kate, Rapture
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I want to be a wise woman

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As long as you don't tell your father that I seduced you, tied you to my bed and made love to you, then treated you like my personal sex slave, I'll probably make it through the meeting alive. Explaining dominant behavior isn't exactly easy. I'll be lucky if he doesn't kill me.

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I know the rules. I've been living here longer than you have."He cracks a smile then. He nudges me back. "Hardly.""Born and raised. You're a transplant." I nudge him again, a little harder, and he laughs and tries to catch hold of my arm. I squirm away, giggling, and he stretches out to tickle my stomach. "Country bumpkin!" I squeal, as he grabs out and wrestles me back onto the blanket, laughing."City slicker," he says, rolling over on top of me, and then kisses me. Everything dissolves: heat, explosions of color, floating.

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