Being positive Quotes

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The reason I'm being positive is to make everyone around me to get the positive energy

Sivaprakash Sidhu
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The most beautiful period of time in our life are the ones which we understand that the problems are our own. and we should not blame other cause of our own problems, we need to realize that we are the one who control our own future, let's remember that maybe we will not have always a peaceful life and may not always be able to solve all of our problems that we face at once but we don't have to stop trying to find a solution way for it, we need to be positive and have courage and working hard to get what what we want cause i don't believe in excuses that most of us made but i believe in courage , being positive and hard working. Let's be positive and have courage.

Arash Tabish
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Start looking at the glass as half full and not half empty, a positive life is secondary to you being positive.

Unarine Ramaru
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Be kind to others and you will find that others are kind to you. Being positive will spread positivity back to you. If you give out a pleasant energy, you will receive a pleasant energy.

Avina Celeste
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Being positive all the time is such a catchy idea, and it’s easy to preach. I guess that’s why it is popular. But life reveals itself in successions of up’s and down’s and if you plan to be positive all the time you will definitely fail.

Gudjon Bergmann, Empowerment Basics
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There is too much emphasis on being positive, to the detriment of being real.

Colleen Chen, Dysmorphic Kingdom
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A positive is just two negatives going in two different directions. So, if something doesn't work, change tact, and come at it from a different direction. You never know, it may just work.That's being positive for ya!

Anthony T. Hincks
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Negative means separating energies, while positive means unifying energies. It’s not about being ‘good’ or ‘bad’ – energy is quite neutral, actually… one just feels better. Simply imagine that being negative creates distance between the hearts of two people, while being positive brings them closer together.

Alaric Hutchinson, Living Peace
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Being positive reckons the unexpected.

Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
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I learned about being positive from my parents. They're the most positive people I've ever known.

Brendon Urie
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