Bitterness Quotes

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You shall only continue to feel bitter when you continue to make your mind the doorstep for footprints of bitterness! When you mind your mind, you mind your mind, you mind your heart, you mind your body and you mind your spirit! The only rest stop in your body for bitterness is your mind. Don’t forget! Mind your mind!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
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You shall only continue to feel bitter when you continue to make your mind the doorstep for footprints of bitterness! When you mind your mind, you mind your mind, you mind your heart, you mind your body and you mind your spirit! The only rest stop in your body for bitterness is your mind. Don’t forget! Mind your mind!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
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Better to forget, better to let go of the bitterness. I say bitterness is only good in medicine, or if you fry bitter gourd with egg, then it's dlicious. I told Lan-Lan many times, we have only one life, it's important to kua kwee, to look spaciously. Not keep the eyes so narrowed down to the small dispairs.Those people who say forgive and forget, I say they not right. Not so simple. I say, find right medicine. Bitterness must be just right for problem. Then swallow it, think of good things can do when no longer sick.

Lydia Kwa, This Place Called Absence
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Koschei the Deathless made a face as he tasted the wine. "It is far too sweet. Comrade Stalin fears bitterness and has the tastes of a spoiled princess. I savor bitterness--it is born of experience. It is the privilege of one who has truly lived. You, too, must learn to prefer it. After all, when all else is gone, you may still have bitterness in abundance.

Catherynne M. Valente, Deathless
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If I had allowed myself to dwell on revenge, it would turn to bitterness, and bitterness is the worst poison a man can give himself.

Sarah Holman, Brothers and Betrayal
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What is love for, if not to intensify our affections—both in life and death? But, O, do not be bitter. It is tragically self-destructiveto be bitter.

John Piper, Good News of Great Joy: Daily Readings for Advent
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getting angry and harbouring bitterness doesn’t help anybody, least of all the angry bitter person.

Jane Wilson-Howarth, Snowfed Waters
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It wasn’t a normal joy, it was a bitter joy, but somehow the bitterness made the joy even more wonderful.

Therese May, By Moonlight
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Loneliness had made the Queen bitter, bitterness had made her selfish, and selfishness had made her suspicious. --The Changeling

Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden
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But you can't start. Only a baby can start. You and me - why, we're all that's been. The anger of a moment, the thousand pictures, that's us. This land, this red land, is us; and the flood years and the dust years and the drought years are us. We can't start again. The bitterness we sold to the junk man - he got it all right, but we have it still. And when the owner men told us to go, that's us; and when the tractor hit the house, that's us until we're dead. To California or any place - every one a drum major leading a parade of hurts, marching with our bitterness. And some day - the armies of bitterness will all be going the same way. And they'll all walk together, and there'll be a dead terror from it.

John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath
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When I lived in New York and went to Chinatown, I learned that these flavors and their meanings were actually a foundation of ancient Chinese medicine.Salty translated to fear and the frantic energy that tries to compensate for or hide it.Sweet was the first flavor we recognized from our mother's milk, and to which we turned when we were worried and unsure or depressed.Sour usually meant anger and frustration.Bitter signified matters of the heart, from simply feeling unloved to the almost overwhelming loss of a great love. Most spices, along with coffee and chocolate, had some bitterness in their flavor profile. Even sugar, when it cooked too long, turned bitter. But to me, spice was for grief, because it lingered longest.

Judith Fertig, The Cake Therapist
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