Essence Quotes

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Flowers are conscious, intelligent forces. They have been given to us for our happiness and our healing.We can hasten our own evolution by through employing the tools offered to us by a conscious, caring Mother Nature—flowers and their essences.Flower essences allow us to see into the soul of things—into ourselves, our world, and all living beings.Flower essences are a response to the call of an ever-awakening humanity to minister to its spiritual needs.Mother Nature’s pharmacy has long been accessible to those who have pried open her botanical medicine chest. And to those who wish to learn her language—the language of flowers—she bestows her most wonderful secrets of perfect well-being.In keeping with herbalism’s ancient tradition of communing with the plant kingdom, flower essences have evolved as a natural expression of healing—in the simplest ways, through the simplest means.(The) principle of magnetism is strongly operative in flower essences that vibrationally align us with the positive qualities that we seek to uncover within ourselves.How, then, do flower essences work? Very well indeed.

Lila Devi
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Flowers are conscious, intelligent forces. They have been given to us for our happiness and our healing.We can hasten our own evolution by through employing the tools offered to us by a conscious, caring Mother Nature—flowers and their essences.Flower essences allow us to see into the soul of things—into ourselves, our world, and all living beings.Flower essences are a response to the call of an ever-awakening humanity to minister to its spiritual needs.Mother Nature’s pharmacy has long been accessible to those who have pried open her botanical medicine chest. And to those who wish to learn her language—the language of flowers—she bestows her most wonderful secrets of perfect well-being.In keeping with herbalism’s ancient tradition of communing with the plant kingdom, flower essences have evolved as a natural expression of healing—in the simplest ways, through the simplest means.(The) principle of magnetism is strongly operative in flower essences that vibrationally align us with the positive qualities that we seek to uncover within ourselves.How, then, do flower essences work? Very well indeed.

Lila Devi, The Essential Flower Essence Handbook: For Perfect Well-Being
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Living is about capturing the essence of things. I go through my life every day with a vial, a vial wherein can be found precious essential oils of every kind! The priceless, fragrant oils that are the essence of my experiences, my thoughts. I walk inside a different realm from everybody else, in that I am existing in the essence of things; every time there is reason to smile, I hold out my glass vial and capture that drop of oil, that essence, and then I smile. And that is why I have smiled, and so you and I may be smiling at the same time but I am smiling because of that one drop of cherished, treasured oil that I have extracted. When I write, I find no need to memorize an idea, a plot, a sequence of things: no. I must only capture the essence of a feeling or a thought and once I have inhaled that aroma, I know that I have what I need.

C. JoyBell C.
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Stillness offers an experience of being and a recognition that being . . . my essence . . . is a part of all Being, all Essence.

Nancy J. Napier
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The essence of me, is YOU.

Anthony T. Hincks
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SENSES, APPEARANCE, ESSENCE and EXISTENCEThe world we see with our senses are very different than the world we see through our essence. Our senses perceive the world of appearance. Our essence perceive the deeper layers of existence. The first step of perceiving the world of essence is not to have any goal other than to understand. "Understanding" has to be the ultimate goal. Then, we can solve the problems.

Petek Kabakci
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SENSES, APPEARANCE, ESSENCE and EXISTENCEThe world we see with our senses is very different than the world we see through our essence. Our senses perceive the world of appearance. Our essence perceives the deeper layers of existence. The first step of perceiving the world of essence is to have no goal other than to understand. "Understanding" has to be the ultimate goal. Only then, can we solve the problems.

Petek Kabakci
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[T]here is no distinction between the predicates of the divine and human nature, and, consequently, no distinction between the divine and human subject … [T]he predicates are not accidents, but express the essence of the subject … [T]he essence of religion … conceives and affirms a profoundly human relation as divine relations[.]

Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity
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If therefore my work is negative, irreligious, atheistic, let it be remembered that atheism — at least in the sense of this work — is the secret of religion itself; that religion itself, not indeed on the surface, but fundamentally, not in intention or according to its own supposition, but in its heart, in its essence, believes in nothing else than the truth and divinity of human nature.

Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity
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The source and essence of all creation can be found everywhere. It resides equally in you, in me, and in all things. True wisdom is the fullest understanding of this essence--an understanding that can happen only when there is no separation between the knower and the known.

Victor Shamas, The Way of Play: Reclaiming Divine Fun & Celebration
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Essence of any creature encompasses more than one realm.Here now this body, is a vehicle of my essence in this universe.

Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut
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