Healing Quotes

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Healing comes by faith. Faith is destroyed by doubt. If you doubt whether God wants people to be healed, you won’t see them healed.

Praying Medic
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Healing comes by faith. Faith is destroyed by doubt. If you doubt whether God wants people to be healed, you won’t see them healed.

Praying Medic, Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the supernatural to make healing & miracles a part of your everyday life
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Finding the right healing path requires all or nothing. Once you place conditions on healing, all you can achieve is conditional healing.

Caroline Myss, Why People Don't Heal and How They Can: A Practical Programme for Healing Body, Mind and Spirit
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Deciding to actively heal is terrifying because it means opening up to hope. For many survivors, hope has brought only disappointment.Although it is terrifying to say yes to yourself, it is also a tremendous relief when you finally stop and face your own demons. There is something about looking terror in the face, and seeing your own reflection, that is strangely relieving. There is comfort in knowing that you don't have to pretend anymore, that you are going to do everything within your power to heal. As one survivor put it, "I know now that every time I acceptmy past and respect where I am in the present, I am giving myself a future."- The Courage to Heal

Ellen Bass, The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
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Healing is about wholeness and harmony. I define healing as anything that contributes to you feeling greater balance, harmony, wholeness, and well-being. In other words, you experience healing when you feel good; and healing is what you need any time you feel that you are out of balance—be it tired, stressed, fearful, or worried—or when you sense a disconnection between your mind, body, and spirit.

Susan Barbara Apollon, An Inside Job: A Psychologist Shares Healing Wisdom for Your Cancer Journey
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When healing gifts are exercised, the faith of both the one healed and the one healing is built up and becomes stronger. Faith not only in God, but faith in one’s ability to do the works Jesus did, as He said we would. Many who might otherwise move powerfully in the gifts of the Spirit are not lacking faith in God to want to do them, but in themselves and their own ability to be instrumental in ministering the gifts.

Praying Medic, Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the supernatural to make healing & miracles a part of your everyday life
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If it is the will of God for man to be sick, no one in history violated the will of God more than Jesus. Just as God desires all men to be saved, He also desires all men to be healed.

Praying Medic, Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the supernatural to make healing & miracles a part of your everyday life
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Christ is the eternal Son of God, and He is in His divine attributes the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). If therefore He loved in the days of His flesh, He loves now; if He cared then, He cares now; if He healed then, He heals now. It does not necessarily follow that He will do now all that He did then, or that He will do what He does now in the same way as He did then, for His purposes in some things are different at present from what they were in the past. Nevertheless, Christ is changeless in character, and we may be sure that He is infinitely interested in us and concerned about us.

William Henry Frost, Miraculous Healing: Why Does God Heal Some and Not Others?
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Healing was a terrifying and painful experience and my life was as full of struggle and heartache as it had always been. Several years after I started therapy, I began to feel happy. I was stunned. I hadn't realized that the point of all this work on myself was to feel good. I thought it was just one more struggle in a long line of struggles. It took a while before I got used to the idea that my life had changed, that I felt happy, that I was actually content. Learning to tolerate feeling good is one of the nicest parts of healing.

Ellen Bass, The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
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When you awaken and are self aware, you heal. When you heal, you heal the world.

Eileen Anglin
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Simply put, if you know Jesus and you believe He is still healing people today, He will heal the sick through you.

Praying Medic, Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the supernatural to make healing & miracles a part of your everyday life
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