Humanism Quotes

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Until now, human organization could only be based upon something negative which could not be conquered: SCARCITY, and something false: PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY... No wonder instead of producing stability, it produced the exact opposite.The current human organization based upon dealing with the consequences of scarcity and being considered responsible for our individual characteristics which we could never have chosen (our nature, our nurture, our “soul”, and all the choices they engender), will always lead to an irrational, hence unstable human organization causing perpetual conflicts, which is no organization at all.Today, we have the luxury to initiate a rational self-organization based upon two positives: -our HUMAN CONSENSUS; our common desires shared by all, and -the SCIENTIFIC PROJECT to achieve them.

Haroutioun Bochnakian
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Until now, human organization could only be based upon something negative which could not be conquered: SCARCITY, and something false: PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY... No wonder instead of producing stability, it produced the exact opposite.The current human organization based upon dealing with the consequences of scarcity and being considered responsible for our individual characteristics which we could never have chosen (our nature, our nurture, our “soul”, and all the choices they engender), will always lead to an irrational, hence unstable human organization causing perpetual conflicts, which is no organization at all.Today, we have the luxury to initiate a rational self-organization based upon two positives: -our HUMAN CONSENSUS; our common desires shared by all, and -the SCIENTIFIC PROJECT to achieve them.

Haroutioun Bochnakian, The Human Consensus and The Ultimate Project Of Humanity
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Making decent human beings accept the principle of a private, divine covenant be it first, second, third, old, new or whatever, will destroy all humanity and decency in our species.All these diverging and contradicting one man “revelations” will always destroy our HUMAN grace, to serve one of the many “versions” of a hypothetical DIVINE grace…Something like… rape for a divine virginity…

Haroutioun Bochnakian, The Human Consensus and The Ultimate Project Of Humanity
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DIVINE NECESSITY creates “others” even among family members who become good to be killed by family members…HUMAN NECESSITY commands man to resurrect the supposed reason for which God supposedly shattered humanity in Babylon:The “Covenant” among men.

Haroutioun Bochnakian, The Human Consensus and The Ultimate Project Of Humanity
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Human social life, I suggest, is the magma that erupts and builds up, so to speak, at the fault lines where natural human capacities meet and grind against and over natural human limitations…. This meeting of powers and limitations produces a creative, dynamic tension and energy that generates and fuels the making of human social life and social structures…. It is real human persons living through the tensions of natural existential contradictions who construct patterned social meanings, interactions, institutions, and structures.

Christian Smith, What Is a Person?: Rethinking Humanity, Social Life, and the Moral Good from the Person Up
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Hard as it may sound, no god has saved anything or anyone in human history. It is the humans who have done so.

Abhijit Naskar, 7 Billion Gods: Humans Above All
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Rise to become human again, my friend. Become the human, that talks humans, acts humans and lives human.

Abhijit Naskar, Wise Mating: A Treatise on Monogamy
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In the perspective of our species, life has favored humanity as a whole by promoting as much wealth of variety and options as possible, and has distributed everything using the four winds. Life has given mankind everything it has, without segregation and without consideration of which characteristic or quality best suits the situations or the periods. Only by having the totality of human characteristics and options can we hope to deal with all periods to come.Our collective is our key to survival and well-being.

Haroutioun Bochnakian, The Human Consensus and The Ultimate Project Of Humanity
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The minority (the considered one percent of the one percent of the one percent of the one percent of humanity…) that has “worked hard” its way to obscene riches and power depriving human beings of vital necessities like water and food is a part of us, not an alien enemy.They are not the devil, nor satan.Just men (like us)Men who are taught what they know (like us)What to think (like us)Men who are lied to (like us)Manipulated (like us)Processed (like us)Indoctrinated (…. ..)

Haroutioun Bochnakian, The Human Consensus and The Ultimate Project Of Humanity
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Non-violent resistance to evil is a quintessential element of the character of a real human being. If someone does wrong to me, I may be physically capable of breaking his jaw with one blow of my fist, but such violent reciprocation does not define the strength of my character as a real human being. If I succeed in resisting my limbic urge to do harm in return, then only can I be hailed as human being of real character.

Abhijit Naskar, Human Making is Our Mission: A Treatise on Parenting
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The experience of humanism is that 'nothing human is alien to me'

that I carry within myself all of humanity
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