Quip Quotes

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If we adopted Jack," I quip, "we'd have to give him combat pay for an allowance

Daven Anderson
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If we adopted Jack," I quip, "we'd have to give him combat pay for an allowance

Daven Anderson, Vampire Syndrome
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All the quips in the world couldn’t prevent Oscar Wilde from becoming a lovesick fool.

David Levithan, Two Boys Kissing
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Least said,soonest mended," Toby quipped, quoting a saying Jess often used.

Jean Little, Dancing Through the Snow
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There are no such thing as ghosts.” Joseph replied.“There are supposedly no such things as Vampires and yet here you are.” Grace quipped flippantly.

Claire E. Cruddas, The Fall of Grace
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I have a lot of very close girlfriends and sisters - I'm from an all female family. My father often quips that even the cat was neutered!

Shirley Manson
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The author emphasizes the importance of self-forgetfulness when his statistics were marred by a bad outing. He forgot all of that outing to such an extent that he quipped, "What was my name?

Jim Bouton, Ball Four
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Someone threw a cabbage at William Howard Taft. That didn't bother Taft. He quipped, "I see that one of my adversaries has lost his head.

Judith St. George, So You Want to Be President?
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Oscar Wilde may have quipped that one can “never be overdressed or overeducated,” but Wilde did not live in our era of overeducated baristas.

Usman W. Chohan
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Don't mind her," Kip said to Nicki. "She's just crabby from the long ride." "Yeah, I've been riding with...I mean on...a horse's ass all day," Abbey quipped.

Shawn Keenan, The Intern's Tale
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A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn it can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown on the right man's brow.

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