Success Quotes

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Chris Murray
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success, sales, selling, business, successful living, success self improvement, success quotes, success strategies, success in business, success in life, sales effectiveness, sales advice, sales training, personal planning, doing, moving forward, arriving, achieving success, achieving dreams, achieving excellence, achieving mastery, achievement, achievements, achievement and attitude, achievement gap, presentation, reputation,

Chris Murray, The Extremely Successful Salesman's Club
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You do not need to be a millionaire to feel successful or be successful. Financial wealth is only one of many possible indicators of success. However, to achieve your dreams and life goals you’re going to need money. And making it requires financial planning and goalsetting. I do not know of any successful person who has been able to simply ignore their finances.

Nigel Cumberland, 100 Things Successful People Do: Little Exercises for Successful Living
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Success does not judge one man for being worthy above another. Success doesn’t choose you because of your family name or existing wealth.Success is taken by the man, who has made himself ready for its arrival. And although I am not there yet, I have come to this place to become such a man.

Chris Murray, The Extremely Successful Salesman's Club
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You don't have to be successful on a grand scale like winning a talent competition or writing a New York Times bestseller - if you have enough small things that you can be successful at then eventually they outshine all your failures.

Lindsey Rietzsch, Successful Failures: Recognizing the Divine Role That Opposition Plays in Life's Quest for Success
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Successful people play the part of being successful consistently in all that they do.

Lorii Myers, Targeting Success, Develop the Right Business Attitude to be Successful in the Workplace
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Nobody is going to hand you success. You have to hand yourself to success.

Ben Tolosa, Masterplan Your Success
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Quite so. Quite right. And yet human beings, who dream ofbecoming more successful often fool themselves into believing thatit can happen without changing a single thing about themselves.They believe that success is some mysterious external factor thatwill just sort itself out while they sleep

Chris Murray, The Extremely Successful Salesman's Club
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Success requires a focused attention of your time and energy. This is true no matter what you want to achieve – to change the world or simply change apartments. All success stories come down to one person having a focused aim – so focused at times it can look like an obsession.

Nigel Cumberland, 100 Things Successful People Do: Little Exercises for Successful Living
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Success is the accomplishment of any number of possible aims, dreams, aspirations or goals. It’s very personal and unique to you. Your greatest desire could be someone else’s idea of hell; you might want to be an award-winning chef while your best friend hates cooking.

Nigel Cumberland, 100 Things Successful People Do: Little Exercises for Successful Living
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