Weirdness Quotes

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Weird people don't care if they're weird. They are the most entertaining to converse with because nothing is off-limits.

Donna Lynn Hope
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Weird people don't care if they're weird. They are the most entertaining to converse with because nothing is off-limits.

Donna Lynn Hope
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We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.

Robert Fulghum, True Love
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Being weird adds spice to life. Having weird friends just deepens the flavor

Jayelle Cochran
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I write weird stories. I don't know why I like weirdness so much. Myself, I'm a very realistic person. I don't trust anything New Age -- or reincarnation, dreams, Tarot, horoscopes. I don't trust anything like that at all. I wake up at 6 in the morning and go to bed at 10, jogging every day and swimming, eating healthy food. I'm very realistic. But when I write, I write weird. That's very strange. When I'm getting more and more serious, I'm getting more and more weird. When I want to write about the reality of society and the world, it gets weird. Many people ask me why, and I can't answer that. But I recognized when I was interviewing those 63 ordinary people -- they were very straightforward, very simple, very ordinary, but their stories were sometimes very weird. That was interesting.

Haruki Murakami
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We're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness — and call it love — true love.

Robert Fulghum, True Love
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Don't settle for a normal life. Not when you can enjoy the wonderful weirdness of being who God created you to be.

Craig Groeschel, Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working
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Once upon a time, in the not-so-distant past, very weird people were effectively isolated from all the other very weird people.But today, the internet makes it possible for very weird people from anywhere on the planet to get on the internet and talk to one another.

Caliban Darklock
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Some are born weird, some achieve it, others have weirdness thrust upon them.

Dick Francis, To the Hilt
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Such ordeals always strike one with their strangeness, their digression from the normal flow of events, and often provoke a universal protest: "Why me?" Be sure that this is not a question but an outcry. The person who screams it has been instilled with an astonishing suspicion that he, in fact, has been the perfect subject for a very specific "weird," a tailor-made fate, and that a prior engagement, in all its weirdness, was fulfilled at the appointed time and place.

Thomas Ligotti, Noctuary
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There are people who are generic. They make generic responses and they expect generic answers. They live inside a box and they think people who don't fit into their box are weird. But I'll tell you what, generic people are the weird people. They are like genetically-manipulated plants growing inside a laboratory, like indistinguishable faces, like droids. Like ignorance.

C. JoyBell C.
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