Ophelia London Quotes

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The way he said it, with a twinkle in his already too-twinkly blue eyes, made Aimee feel twinkly, too.

Ophelia London
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Similar Quotes by Ophelia London

The way he said it, with a twinkle in his already too-twinkly blue eyes, made Aimee feel twinkly, too.

Ophelia London, Aimee and the Heartthrob
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Miles jogged off, leaving her alone in the large and quiet room. Aimee stood still, waiting for her mind and heart to go back to normal, return to how she felt a week ago before seeing Miles again.But they didn’t. Or wouldn’t. She put both hands over her pounding heart, exhaled, and sank into a chair. Nut-burgers. Now what?

Ophelia London, Aimee and the Heartthrob
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When he began to play again, then sing those first few words, Aimee felt a flutter in her stomach she wasn’t able to squelch. She wasn’t a robot, after all. And it wasn’t so bizarre to get a little fluttery over a boy as talented and hot as Miles Carlisle. Millions of girls suffered the same ailment. But how many girls stood backstage, close enough that he’d accidentally felt her up in the dark? And how many of those girls had already had their heart broken by him?

Ophelia London, Aimee and the Heartthrob
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I have decided to change something. I am thinking I may want to go by Aimee again.”- Aimee (Marked Book #1) page 102

A.N. Meade, Marked
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Aimee turned and walked out, giving him a wink and a smile, careful not to part her lips. His reaction to her fangs, as amusing as it may be, would hurt her chances of blending in.” – Aimee (Marked Book #1) page 215

A.N. Meade, Marked
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It only takes one voice to give others the chance to see possibilities.

Aimee Carter, Queen
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Together, we will prevail, and we will be free.

Aimee Carter, Queen
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There's a very thin line between rightfully protesting, and protesting so much that it becomes clear you're trying to hide something.

Aimee Carter, Queen
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He is an idiot," I said. "One who thinks he's a genius/ They're the most dangerous kind.""No, the most dangerous kind are the ones with power," he said.

Aimee Carter, Queen
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He's my family, and you don't just push family aside for some itch you want to scratch. That's not how real love works. Real love is support, even when you're fighting. Real love in honesty, even when the truth hurts like hell. Real love is being there through every miserable minute and every indefinite minute.

Aimee Carter, Queen
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