Alexandre Dumas Quotes

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True love always makes a man better, no matter what woman inspires it.

Alexandre Dumas
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True love always makes a man better, no matter what woman inspires it.

Alexandre Dumas
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Yet man will never be perfect until he learns to create and destroy; he does know how to destroy, and that is half the battle.

Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
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There is something so awe-inspiring in great afflictions that even in the worst times the first emotion of a crowd has generally been to sympathise with the sufferer in a great catastrophe.

Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
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The king! I thought he was philosopher enough to allow that there was no murder in politics. In politics, my dear fellow, you know, as well as I do, there are no men, but ideas - no feelings, but interests; in politics we do not kill a man, we only remove an obstacle, that is all.

Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
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There are some situations which men understand by instinct, by which reason is powerless to explain; in such cases the greatest poet is he who gives utterance to the most natural and vehement outburst of sorrow. Those who hear the bitter cry are as much impressed as if they listened to an entire poem, and when th sufferer is sincere they are right in regarding his outburst as sublime.

Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
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God is merciful to all, as he has been to you; he is first a father, then a judge.

Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
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Look, look,' cried the count, seizing the young man's hands - "look, for on my soul it is curious. Here is a man who had resigned himself to his fate, who was going to the scaffold to die - like a coward, it is true, but he was about to die without resistance. Do you know what gave him strength? - do you know what consoled him? It was, that another partook of his punishment - that another partook of his anguish - that another was to die before him. Lead two sheep to the butcher's, two oxen to the slaughterhouse, and make one of them understand that his companion will not die; the sheep will bleat for pleasure, the ox will bellow with joy. But man - man, who God created in his own image - man, upon whom God has laid his first, his sole commandment, to love his neighbour - man, to whom God has given a voice to express his thoughts - what is his first cry when he hears his fellowman is saved? A blasphemy. Honour to man, this masterpiece of nature, this king of the creation!

Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
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You are my son Dantés! You are the child of my captivity. My priestly office condemned me to celibacy: God sent you to me both to console the man who could not be a father and the prisoner who could not be free

Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
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He was thinking alone, and seriously racking his brain to find a direction for this single force four times multiplied, with which he did not doubt, as with the lever for which Archimedes sought, they should succeed in moving the world, when some one tapped gently at his door.

Alexandre Dumas
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How is it that little children are so intelligent and men so stupid? It must be education that does it.

Alexandre Dumas
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