Barbara Botch Quotes

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May the energy of the day always call for celebration." Barbara Botch

Barbara Botch
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Similar Quotes by Barbara Botch

May the energy of the day always call for celebration." Barbara Botch

Barbara Botch, Poet's Crossing
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The secret to life is to live as though you know the secret." Barbara Botch

Barbara Botch, Poet's Crossing
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Conscious Evolution"Conscious evolution inspires in us a mysterious and humble awareness that we have been created by this awesome process of evolution and are now being transformed by it." Barbara Marx Hubbard

Barbara Marx Hubbard
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As a writer, I will go down any dark alley, inch my way through the tightest crawl space, and feed on your every fear. I will take your sense of calm and tear it to shreds. - Horror Author Barbara Watkins

Barbara Watkins, Hollowing Screams
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Why must some of us deliberate between brands of toothpaste while others deliberate between damp dirt and bone dust to quiet the fire of an empty stomach lining?

Barbara Kingsolver
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And so I sit on the dunes in my carefully mismatched clothes, hour after hour, day after day, frozen in my looking back. 'Do not look behind you...lest you be swept away.' That is what scripture say. Only there is nowhere for me to look but back. No future. No redemption. Like Lot's wife, I am turned to salt, my tired eyes trained on the blue-gray horizon, where sea meets sky, where my yesterday's met my tomorrows, a ragtag eccentric, watching and waiting for something that never comes.

Barbara Davis
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When life gives you twists and turns, Chique Yourself Up in Italy!

Barbara Conelli
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The tide, you see, is a fickle thing: stealing in, sliding away, always, always turning. She comes when you're not looking, a silent, liquid thief, only to rush away again, retreating from the shore like a coward. She gives sometimes too, though in fleeting, unexpected moments, yielding up her treasures and her dead--but never, ever her secrets.

Barbara Davis
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Barbara wanted to go to tea at Dorchester as much as she wanted to give birth to octuplets.

Elizabeth George, Believing the Lie
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I could simply kill you now, get it over with, who would know the difference? I could easily kick you in, stove you under, for all those times, mean on gin, you rammed words into my belly. (p. 52)

Barbara Blatner
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