Justine Picardie Quotes

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Saint Laurent has excellent taste. The more he copies me, the better taste he displays. - Coco Chanel

Justine Picardie
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Saint Laurent has excellent taste. The more he copies me, the better taste he displays. - Coco Chanel

Justine Picardie, Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life
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Today, Chanel sells nothing other than its griffe; the griffe is an absolute symbol for 'fashion' which, having become historical, is now able to sell this history better than it could sell fashion. Chanel's lasting success proves that fashion has become self-referential: the fetish of the mere name shows how it has begun to revolve around itself. The House of Chanel produces what Coco most abhorred: a thing of the past, dead. The visible, outwardly displayed griffe has become the opposite of individualized style: instead it confirms the latent uniform collectivity, which had always defined Chanel-wear; in the end, it signifies membership of an expensive club. The Chanel woman does not want to display her own taste, she wants to belong. In order to be certain, she is laden with Chanel signs and accessories, like amulets to protect against the evil eye; on the pocket, on the belt, on the dress buttons, on the watch, on costume jewelry, proudly stand the initials of the founder of the house, to which she knows she belongs.

Barbara Vinken, Fashion Zeitgeist: Trends and Cycles in the Fashion System
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Everyone marries the Duke of Westminster. There are a lot of duchesses, but only one Coco Chanel.

Coco Chanel
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I don't do fashion, i am fashion

Gabrielle coco Chanel
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As she looked in the full-length mirror in her dressing room, she added a few ropes of pearls, pinned a white silk camellia, and draped the Chantilly lace shawl. In that moment, Dana thought of fashion's most enduring icon who created this elegant and alluring style, and the happy personal life that eluded her. Mademoiselle Chanel died in 1971 at the age of eighty-eight while working on her spring collection, but her passion for work did not fill the void of marriage and children. Her success was costly, but clearly the choice of an uncompromising woman determined to achieve greatness on her own. Chanel once said, "I never wanted to weigh more heavily on a man than a bird." Quote from "A very Good Life.

Lynn Steward, A Very Good Life
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A double bed can seem awfully small if your'e sharing it with someone you don't love." -Misia ― Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky

Chris Greenhalgh, Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky
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Women think of all colors except the absence of color. I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony.

Coco Chanel, Chanel
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Coco Chanel used to talk about wearing more than one string of pearls. Why wear one if you can wear two, or something to that effect. I think that one string of pearls is just fine. But that's because my pearls are black, hers were white.

C. JoyBell C.
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Costume jewelry is not made to give women an aura of wealth,but to make them beautifu

Coco Chanel
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A fashion that does not reach the streets is not a fashion

Coco Chanel
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