Criss Angel Quotes

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When the mind, body, and spirit work together I believe anything is possible.

Criss Angel
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When the mind, body, and spirit work together I believe anything is possible.

Criss Angel
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What you see is what you get.

Criss Angel
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I looked inward at my heart. And indeed, there too, the criss-cross corsetry was slackened and gaping. I was all undone. Potentially, I could spill. Or tangle. And so I began to tug at my own heartstrings, pulling them up tight until there was just the right amount of tension at each criss and each cross. Then I bent down to my boots and laced them firmly too, first the left, then the right, finishing off on each side with a surgeon's shoelace knot.

Danielle Wood
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I'm actually tougher on myself as I get older. It's a vicious cycle. The things that are important in life are the things that you can't buy in life: love, health and happiness. I say that, and I believe that, and I try to live that.

Criss Angel
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When you're an artist, you have to hope for everything and expect nothing.

Darren Criss
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For me, music is all about emotion and attitude.

Peter Criss
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That most pleasant weather to feel is the one never felt.

Criss Jami
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Always have there been great numbers of individuals who were very much eager to fight for good causes. Always there were these, but then there were even greater numbers of trendies who would then become wholly and completely misguided in the efforts.

Criss Jami
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The fans are always more radical than that which they are fans.

Criss Jami
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Narcissists often feign oppression because narcissists always feel entitled.

Criss Jami
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