Dean Winchester Jensen Ackles Quotes

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(This is from me: I found this and I'm dying I apologize for any non-Supernatural fans out there but omg the fandom must read this.)Dean: Dad, this is Cas.John: I'm not working with any other hunters, Dean.Dean: He's not a hunter, Dad. He's an angel. John: Well, I knew you were gay but that's no way to introduce me to your boyfriend.Dean: What? No Dad, he's literally an angel. From Heaven.

Dean Winchester Jensen Ackles
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Similar Quotes by Dean Winchester Jensen Ackles

(This is from me: I found this and I'm dying I apologize for any non-Supernatural fans out there but omg the fandom must read this.)Dean: Dad, this is Cas.John: I'm not working with any other hunters, Dean.Dean: He's not a hunter, Dad. He's an angel. John: Well, I knew you were gay but that's no way to introduce me to your boyfriend.Dean: What? No Dad, he's literally an angel. From Heaven.

Dean Winchester Jensen Ackles
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I'm Batman” ― Dean Winchester

Dean Winchester Jensen Ackles
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I've seen so many people in this business that made a fortune. They get old and broke and can't make any money. I tell you something... no one's going to play a benefit for Jimmy Dean.

Jimmy Dean
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Ask him about the cemeteries, Dean!"In 1966 upon being told that President Charles DeGaulle had taken France out of NATO and that all U.S. troops must be evacuated off of French soil President Lyndon Johnson mentioned to Secretary of State Dean Rusk that he should ask DeGaulle about the Americans buried in France. Dean implied in his answer that that DeGaulle should not really be asked that in the meeting at which point President Johnson then told Secretary of State Dean Rusk:"Ask him about the cemeteries Dean!"That made it into a Presidential Order so he had to ask President DeGaulle.So at end of the meeting Dean did ask DeGaulle if his order to remove all U.S. troops from French soil also included the 60,000+ soldiers buried in France from World War I and World War II.DeGaulle, embarrassed, got up and left and never answered.

Lyndon B. Johnson
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... 'Many waters cannot quench love' was said of divine, not human, love, which the Dean knew was not always tough enough to survive the indifference of misery. That was one of the chief reasons why he struggled to do away with misery.

Elizabeth Goudge, The Dean's Watch
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So this is what you two do when you’re up here,” Dean drawls. “All that deep, intensive tutoring.” He air-quotes the last word, chuckling in delight.“Actually, Garrett’s just helping me brush up on my make-out skills,” I tell Dean in the most casual voice I can muster.Dean snickers. “’That so?”“Okay…” Dean’s eyes gleam. “Then I’m calling your bluff, baby doll. Show me your moves.”I blink in surprise. “What?”“If a doctor told you you’ve got ten days to live, you’d go for a second opinion, wouldn’t you? Well, if you’re worried about being a crappy kisser, you can’t just take G’s word for it. You need a second opinion.” His brows lift in challenge. “Let me see what you’ve got.”“Stop being a jackass,” Garrett mutters.“No, he has a point,” I answer awkwardly, and my brain screams, What?He has a point? Apparently Garrett’s body-melting kisses have turned me into a crazy person.

Elle Kennedy, The Deal
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Neal! It's your grief counselors. We're here to hug!

Dean Winchester
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Most Politicians Are The Whores at The Establishment Party, But We're The Ones Getting Fucked

Dean Cavanagh
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Death Laughs In The Faces Of Clocks

Dean Cavanagh
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Fight the fairies! You fight those fairies!

Dean Winchester
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