Book of Eli Movie Quotes

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Solara: You know, you say you've been walking for thirty years, right?Eli: Right?Solara: Have you ever thought that maybe you were lost?Eli: Nope.Solara: Well, how do you know that you're walking in the right direction?Eli: I walk by faith, not by sight.Solara: [sighs] What does that mean?Eli: It means that you know something even if you don't know something.Solara: That doesn't make any sense.Eli: It doesn't have to make sense. It's faith, it's faith. It's the flower of light in the field of darkness that's giving me the strength to carry on. You understand?Solara: Is that from your book?Eli: No, it's, uh, Johnny Cash, Live at Folsom Prison.

Book of Eli Movie
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Solara: You know, you say you've been walking for thirty years, right?Eli: Right?Solara: Have you ever thought that maybe you were lost?Eli: Nope.Solara: Well, how do you know that you're walking in the right direction?Eli: I walk by faith, not by sight.Solara: [sighs] What does that mean?Eli: It means that you know something even if you don't know something.Solara: That doesn't make any sense.Eli: It doesn't have to make sense. It's faith, it's faith. It's the flower of light in the field of darkness that's giving me the strength to carry on. You understand?Solara: Is that from your book?Eli: No, it's, uh, Johnny Cash, Live at Folsom Prison.

Book of Eli Movie
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Eli: I walk by faith, not by sight.

Book of Eli Movie
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Eli: People had more than they needed. We had no idea what was precious and what wasn't. We threw away things people kill each other for now.

Book of Eli Movie
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Solara: I didn't think you'd ever give up the book, I thought it was too important to youEli: It was, I was carrying and reading it everyday, got so caught up in protecting it, I forgot to live by what I'd learnt from itSolara: And what's that?Eli: To do more for others than you do for yourself

Book of Eli Movie
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Eli: Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the strength and the conviction to complete the task you entrusted to me. Thank you for guiding me straight and true through the many obstacles in my path. And for keeping me resolute when all around seemed lost. Thank you for your protection and your many signs along the way. Thank you for any good that I may have done, I'm so sorry about the bad. Thank you for the friend I made. Please watch over her as you watched over me. Thank you for finally allowing me to rest. I'm so very tired, but I go now to my rest at peace. Knowing that I have done right with my time on this earth. I fought the good fight, I finished the race, I kept the faith.

Book of Eli Movie
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From Jeff Greenfield: "I once asked Elie Wiesel "Are you an optimist or a pessimist?" "An optimist," he said. "I have to be.

Elie Wiesel
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Rest," he whispers against my temple, and despite my sleepiness, the feel of his lips moving across my skin makes me shiver. "I'll be here when you wake up.""Oh, God," I mumble, sliding my arm over Eli's chest and snuggling close. "Have we become that old couple that doesn't have sex anymore?"Eli's chuckle rumbles against my ear. "We had sex this morning.""Okay," I say already being pulled into slumber.

Elle Jasper, Eventide
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Years ago, a member of Congress slipped a laminated quote into my hand that he must have thought I would find meaningful. I paid little attention at first and unfortunately I don’t recall just who gave me the quote. I placed it next to my voting card and have carried it ever since. The quote came from Elie Wiesel’s book One Generation After. The quote was entitled “Why I Protest.”Author Elie Wiesel tells the story of the one righteous man of Sodom, who walked the streets protesting against the injustice of this city. People made fun of him, derided him. Finally, a young person asked: “Why do you continue your protest against evil; can’t you see no one is paying attention to you?” He answered, “I’ll tell you why I continue. In the beginning, I thought I would change people. Today, I know I cannot. Yet, if I continue my protest, at least I will prevent others from changing me.” I’m not that pessimistic that we can’t change people’s beliefs or that people will not respond to the message of liberty and peace. But we must always be on guard not to let others change us once we gain the confidence that we are on the right track in the search for truth.

Ron Paul, Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom
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Eli . . .” I rasped. I lost track of where his kisses landed, where his fingers touched, and grew too comfortable in his arms. “I can’t.”“You can,” he urged, pulling back and grinding my hips against his. Heat quickly rushed to my cheeks. “I have you. I found you, and I’m not letting you go.”“You don’t—” Eli’s mouth crashed down on mine, stealing a kiss, and I freakin’ lost it. His mouth was absolutely sinful and there was nothing gentle about him, either. Eli was out for something good and was determined to get it. Euphoria sliced through my drunken haze and I grinned as I kissed him back. When his hands slid up my dress and his tongue pushed past my teeth, I moaned loudly and wrapped my legs around his waist.Just this. I can do this.Eli’s fingers inched closer to my panties and I threw my head back against the building to catch my breath.Oh, my God.Lights flashed behind my eyes and the red and blue spots showered over me like rain. “I-I have a wedding tomorrow. My friend’s,” I muttered, almost pulling away. To my ears, it didn’t even sound like a coherent sentence.“Cielo, I don’t really care.” Eli glanced up at me from his place between my flushed breasts and leaned in to suck my bottom lip into his mouth.“I’m drunk.”“Good.” His hand beneath my dress tugged and I heard the audible rip of my panties. “So am I.

Nadège Richards, 5 Miles
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Eli snorted, her eyes narrowed.— Because I am like you.— What do you mean like me? I..Eli thrust her hand through the air as if she was holding a knife, said:— What are you looking at, idiot? Want to die, or something? — Stabbed the air with empty hand. — That what happens if you look at me.Oskar rubbed his lips together, dampening them.— What are you saying?— It's not me that's saying it. It's you. That was the first thing I heard you say. Down on the playground.Oskar remembered. The tree. The knife. How he had held up the blade of the knife like a mirror, seen Eli for the first time.

John Ajvide Lindqvist, Let the Right One In
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