Parker S. Huntington Quotes

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Lucy: Why do you want me to stay?Asher: Because I like you.Lucy: Why do you want me to go?Asher: Because I like you.

Parker S. Huntington
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Lucy: Why do you want me to stay?Asher: Because I like you.Lucy: Why do you want me to go?Asher: Because I like you.

Parker S. Huntington, Asher Black
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Asher taps his fingers on his lips and I catch Amy licking her own as she eyes his mouth. "What exactly are Rocky Mountain Oysters?" he asks her.I restrain a laugh as Amy's face twists in confusion."Well...I think they're kind of meat. I'm not sure what kind, but I like them." She presses the end of the pen against her chin.I shake my head at Asher. "You don't want those. Trust me.

Jessica Sorensen, Ember X
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> Why does everything that lives have to die?< So life would be precious, Asher. Something that is yours forever, is never precious.

Chaim Potok, My Name Is Asher Lev
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Justin, honey, you were my very first kiss. My very first hand to hold. But you were nothing more than an average guy. And I don't say that to be mean- I don't. There was just something about you that made me need to be your girlfriend to this day I don't know exactly what that was. But it was there.. and it was amazingly strong. -Thirteen Reasons Why

Jay Asher
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It's your heart. No one else gets a say in that.

Jay Asher, What Light
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I’ve broken your heart, haven’t I?”“A million times. And you can break it a million times more, Luna Moon. There will never be a day in my life that I don’t love you.

Chloe Asher, Daydreamer
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Sierra, it's Christmastime. Put a stupid mistletoe over his head and kiss him already!

Jay Asher, What Light
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I simply wanted a kiss. I was a freshman girl who had never been kissed. Never. But I liked the boy, he liked me, and I was going to kiss him. That's the story, the whole story, right there.

Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why
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We almost bumped into each other. But your eyes were down so you didn't know it was me. And together we said it. "I'm sorry."Then you looked up. You saw me. And there, in your eyes, what was it? Sadness? Pain? You moved around and tried pushing your hair away from your face. Your fingernails were painted dark blue. I watched you walk down the long stretch of hallway. I stood there and watched you disappear. Forever.

Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why
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Something that is yours forever is never precious

Chaim Potok, My Name Is Asher Lev
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