Thomas Tusser Quotes

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Who goeth a borrowing Goeth a sorrowing.

Thomas Tusser
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Who goeth a borrowing Goeth a sorrowing.

Thomas Tusser
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15"General ideas and great conceit are always a fair way to bring about terrible misfortune.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Criticisms, Reflections and Maxims of Goethe
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Upon the publication of Goethe’s epic drama, the Faustian legend had reached an almost unapproachable zenith. Although many failed to appreciate, or indeed, to understand this magnum opus in its entirety, from this point onward his drama was the rule by which all other Faust adaptations were measured. Goethe had eclipsed the earlier legends and became the undisputed authority on the subject of Faust in the eyes of the new Romantic generation. To deviate from his path would be nothing short of blasphemy.

E.A. Bucchianeri, Faust: My Soul be Damned for the World, Vol. 2
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After my parents were dead, I found in a box and in two chests of drawers nothing but hundreds of bright red Alpine caps, I said, nothing but bright red Alpine stockings. Every one of them knitted by my mother. My parents could have gone into the High Alps with these bright red caps and bright red stockings for thousands of years. I burnt every one of those bright red caps and bright red stockings, I said. I put on one of my mother's hundreds of bright red Alpine caps and in this costume burnt all the others, laughing, laughing, continuously laughing, I said.(Goethe Dies, p.65)

Thomas Bernhard, Goethe schtirbt: Erzählungen
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Dandies, who – as you know - scorn all emotions as being beneath them, and do not believe, like that simpleton Goethe, that astonishment can ever be a proper feeling for the human mind.

Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly, The Crimson Curtain
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Art is bad when ‘you see the intent and get put off.’ (Goethe) In Tolstoy one is unaware of the intent, and sees only the thing itself. from the book, On Retranslating A Russian Classic Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Joel Carmichael
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Everyone believes in his youth that the world really began with him and that all merely exists for his sake.

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We can redeem anyone who strives unceasingly.

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When an idea is wanting a word can always be found to take its place.

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Who does not know another language does not know his own.

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