Megan McCafferty Quotes

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I tried writing this book about a singer in a wedding band, but realized I only wanted to write the book so I could have an excuse to sing with a wedding band as research. That's not a good enough reason to write a book.

Megan McCafferty
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Similar Quotes by Megan McCafferty

I tried writing this book about a singer in a wedding band, but realized I only wanted to write the book so I could have an excuse to sing with a wedding band as research. That's not a good enough reason to write a book.

Megan McCafferty
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I delegate, therefore I am.

Michael McCafferty
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CRM is rather boring in itself. It's the fortune you can make using CRM that makes it so interesting.

Michael McCafferty
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Plagiarism has been around far longer than the Internet. In fact, I had a poem published in 'Seventeen' magazine when I was 15 years old. About a year later I was informed that there was a girl who used that same poem to win a statewide poetry competition in Alabama. It took months for people to put together that this had happened.

Megan McCafferty
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CRM is rather boring in itself. It's the fortunes you can build using CRM that makes it so interesting.

Michael McCafferty
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I'm sitting in the bleachers, watching longingly as all the boys and umbumped girls in my Personal Health and Fitness class play Muggle Quidditch. I don't even like the game very much, I think it's silly, but I so miss physical activity that I'd be thrilled if I could run around the gymnasium with a broom between my legs, chasing after the human snitch wearing a gold pinny.

Megan McCafferty, Thumped
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Zen cuts straight through the Quidditch match in progress and almost gets taken down by a Beater hurling a Nerf quaffle right at his machopartes.

Megan McCafferty, Thumped
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Faith is accepting what makes no sense, what we cannot prove, but know down deep in our souls is real.

Megan McCafferty, Bumped
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What is your definition of skank?' I ask.'A skank fucks skeezas she barely knows.

Megan McCafferty, Sloppy Firsts
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High school parties exhausted me because I always felt like I was the only thinking person in a room mostly full of morons obliterating precious IQ points with every gulp of whatever booze they managed to steal out of their parents' liquor cabinets. College parties are exhausting in a diametrically opposite way. They are full of smart, funny people who are all used to being the smartest, funniest person in the room, so they spend the whole party talking over one another, overlapping and overtaking the conversation to prove that they are the smartest, funniest person in the room, if not the entire planet.

Megan McCafferty, Charmed Thirds
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