Nicola Yoon Quotes

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seriously. “Just because you can’t experience everything doesn’t mean you shouldn’t experience anything.-Nicola Yoon, Everything, Everything

Nicola Yoon
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seriously. “Just because you can’t experience everything doesn’t mean you shouldn’t experience anything.-Nicola Yoon, Everything, Everything

Nicola Yoon, Everything, Everything
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She swung her fist at Nicolae’s head. He raised an arm to block the blow, and she delivered a killing stab with her wooden dagger.Nicolae laughed, staggering dramatically to the ground. “Dead, again, at the hands of the ugliest girl in creation.” He stuck out his tongue, face contorted in a grimace.Lada kicked him in the stomach. “I am no girl. Who is next?”The other Janissaries, gathered in a loose circle around Lada and Nicolae, shuffled their feet and avoided eye contact. Nicolae pushed himself up on an elbow. “Really? Cowards!”“I still have bruises from the last time.”“I cannot sit without pain.”“She fights dirty.”Ivan did not even respond, having never forgiven Lada for besting him when they were introduced. He refused to fight her and rarely acknowledged her presence.Lada laughed, showing all her sharp teeth. “Because when you are on the battlefield, honor will mean so much. You will die with a blade between your ribs, secure in the knowledge that you fought with manners.” She picked up her dull practice sword, abandoned on the edge of the circle, and swung it through the air, sweeping it across the line of the Janissaries’ collective throats.

Kiersten White, And I Darken
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When you get to find love, make sure it's because you get to find yourself

Nicola An
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I've read many more books than you. It doesn't matter how many you've read. I've read more. Believe me.” ― Nicola Yoon, Everything, Everything

Nicola Yoon, Everything, Everything
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I don't care much for diamonds,' Nicola had told him.'Have you ever been offered any?' he had asked, and he had been making fun of her, his face mocking.'Not that I can remember,' Nicola had admitted calmly.'And how would an offer be received?' he had asked, as though he knew the answer.'With a kick in the teeth,' Nicola had said, meeting his eye.

Charlotte Lamb, Obsession
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You give me the duty to write about love

Nicola An, The Universe at Heartbeat
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Nicolas walked toward him. Ignoring the presence of the others nearby, he took Julien's chin in his hand and kissed him tenderly on the lips. Julien seemed chagrined at first, and then accepted the gesture. It was sweet, and had the air of a couple that had been together for a great long time.Maric glanced away, embarrased by the intimacy, not to mention the fact that he hadn't quite realized the nature of the two warriors' relationship ealier. Not just comrades, then, and far more than close friend. The older Grey Wardens seemed unsurprised.

David Gaider, The Calling
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Are you sad?" Nicola asked. Richard turned in the chair. The scissors became motionless."Yes. I am sad. I'm sad most of the time.""Does it bother you?""It never used to. But now it does. Very much.""It's because the world disappoints you," Nicola said. She set down hers scissors. "It continually fails to surprise you. It fails to be as wonderful as you long for it to be. This is where your sadness comes from.

Andrew Kaufman, Born Weird
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Oh Love, whenever I hear your name, I hear the heartbeat of every lifetime all at once. I feel the heartbeat of the universe the way I get extreme earthquake shocks but completely safe

Nicola An, The Universe at Heartbeat
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Like petals what's beautiful is often delicate. Take care of the ones you love by not holding them too tightly

Nicola An, The Universe at Heartbeat
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