Santosh Kalwar Quotes

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If you babble enneagram, I am a five. If you boast myers-briggs, I am an introvert-intuition-thinking-perceiving.

Santosh Kalwar
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Similar Quotes by Santosh Kalwar

If you babble enneagram, I am a five. If you boast myers-briggs, I am an introvert-intuition-thinking-perceiving.

Santosh Kalwar
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Wolf," she said. "Married is wonderful, married is lovely. But I loved you before that, and you were mine before that. Only you for me—only me for you. That's how it was before our marriage." The smile fell away and left her pale and determined. "That's how it was when I found you in that pit trap all those years ago—I knew as soon as I first saw your eyes. But then, I've known all my life what love is. It took you, who had nothing to compare it to, rather longer to figure out, to understand what is between us. But even when you did not understand or recognize it—it was always love.

Patricia Briggs, Wolfsbane
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I don't like lies," said Bran, and I knew I'd failed to keep the pain of his revelation from my face. "Not even lies of omission. Hard truths can be dealt with, triumphed over, but lies will destroy your soul.

Patricia Briggs, Moon Called
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Vampire politics make the very complicated dance of manners that is werewolf protocol look like the Hokey Pokey.

Patricia Briggs, Frost Burned
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Father giving advice to son: Never do anything once around the house that you don't want to do for the rest of your life.

Frank Briggs
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Father giving advice to son: Never do anything once around the house that you don't want to do for the rest of your life.

Frank Briggs
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Father giving advice to son: Never do anything once around the house that you don't want to do for the rest of your life.

Frank Briggs
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Father giving advice to son: Never do anything once around the house that you don't want to do for the rest of your life.

Frank Briggs
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Father giving advice to son: Never do anything once around the house that you don't want to do for the rest of your life.

Frank Briggs
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Father giving advice to son: Never do anything once around the house that you don't want to do for the rest of your life.

Frank Briggs
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