Lindsay Chamberlin Quotes

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The only reaction Alexis could express to his response was: Mine. She pulled his neck lower, eager to feel his lips on hers, his warm mouth entwined with hers. He stroked her hunger with each brush of their lips, his body now laying on hers, kissing her until she wasn’t sure which way was up or down. Only, it didn’t stop with a kiss. Alexis knew it would never again stop with just a kiss.

Lindsay Chamberlin
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Similar Quotes by Lindsay Chamberlin

The only reaction Alexis could express to his response was: Mine. She pulled his neck lower, eager to feel his lips on hers, his warm mouth entwined with hers. He stroked her hunger with each brush of their lips, his body now laying on hers, kissing her until she wasn’t sure which way was up or down. Only, it didn’t stop with a kiss. Alexis knew it would never again stop with just a kiss.

Lindsay Chamberlin, The Shoreline
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Me and Jason against you and Stacy.” Alana handed Alexis a badminton racket and grinned. “Yay,” Alexis said without even a smidgeon of enthusiasm. “Do you want to serve?” Stacy asked Alexis when Jason and Alana moved to the other side of the net. “Serve you what? There’s no staff here to take care of your every whim, princess,” Alexis said lowly so the others wouldn’t hear. Stacy recoiled at the remark, then her temper flared. “You know what I was asking,” she replied coolly. “You can serve. Here’s the birdie,” Alexis replied and handed it to her on her middle finger. “Shuttlecock,” Stacy corrected. “Butthole…cock.” Alexis shrugged when Stacy glared at her. “That’s what we used to call them.” “Uh-huh,” Stacy said as she prepared to serve. The birdie sailed over the net,and volley began. This went on for a few minutes, then Alexis heard a hard thwack behind her, and the birdie stung her on the back of the thigh. She turned and looked at Stacy with fire in her eyes. “My bad,” Stacy said nonchalantly.Alexis picked up the birdie and hit it toward Jason. He served again. Stacy returned and nailed Alexis in the back of the head. “I’m so sorry,” Stacy said with an acerbic smile. “I’m having a hard time getting my shuttlecock up for you.” ...An intense volley began, and Alana said, “Uh, hey, y’all are supposed to be hitting it to us.” Jason watched in fascination. “I think they’re trying to kill the birdie.” Alexis finally missed and snatched it off the ground. “We were just warming up.” “Yeah, I’m good and hot now,” Stacy added between clenched teeth...“My serve,” Alexis said as she whirled around, then lowered her voice as she passed Stacy. “You’re about to find out whywe call them butthole cocks.” Stacy held her racket out like a sword. “How about I just waffle your ass now?” Alexis struck a fencing pose, or at least she thought she did. “On guard, biatch.”...Alana rushed under the net and stepped between the two staring daggers at each other. “Hey, we want to be able to use these rackets again. Maybe we should take a break since y’all kind of murdered the birdie.” Alana laughed. “It’s missing two plastic feathers...

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Walk the midway and hear the carnival barker.Come see the freak named after his deceased father.Come see the prince who wants to abdicate his throne.Come see the son whose name is carved on a gravestone.

Sherman Alexie
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Sure, we thought the acresThat we tilled were sacred,But how could we have knownThat wheat can haunt like ghosts

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So Lightning says to Mud,“What would happen if I struck your blood?”And Mud says, “Brother, It would hurt, And make me the motherOf every living thing.But, Fire Boy, you ain’t lifting my grass skirtUntil you burn me a ring.

Sherman Alexie
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Umm, how old are you?” Alexis asked, a little hesitant to answer before making sure he wasn’t a minor.“Twenty-one, but age is just a number,” the guy responded.

Lindsay Chamberlin, The Shoreline
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You’ve sufficiently invaded every part of me, Alexis; my heart, my mind, and now my dreams.

Lindsay Chamberlin, The Shoreline
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Love could be immortalized. It could be remembered and written forever into the world, inscribed on some inanimate object. It could be wonderful words given by a loved one, or simple letters combined to show an unbroken bond." Alexis from "The Shoreline

Lindsay Chamberlin, The Shoreline
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I didn't want to be an immigrant. I was forced to be an immigrant. Alexis de Tocqueville, the French writer, said that the powerful and the happy never go into exile. He was right.

Jorge Ramos
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Who was that?""A one-night stand that didn't want to let go."Alexis looked over the sea of people, trying to find the woman.  "There seems to be a lot of those.""Too late to change my past now, but if I could, I would."Alexis gave him a disbelieving smirk.  "Are you saying, if you could have changed things, you would've waited for me?"He gave her his wicked grin.  "I'm saying I would have found you sooner.

Sarah Curtis, Alluring
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