Sherrilyn Kenyon Quotes

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When they know what makes you cry, they know what hurts you most. Don't give your enemies that." Solin, character in The Guardian by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Sherrilyn Kenyon
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When they know what makes you cry, they know what hurts you most. Don't give your enemies that." Solin, character in The Guardian by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Sherrilyn Kenyon, The Guardian
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HappinessThere's just no accounting for happiness,or the way it turns up like a prodigalwho comes back to the dust at your feethaving squandered a fortune far away.And how can you not forgive?You make a feast in honor of whatwas lost, and take from its place the finestgarment, which you saved for an occasionyou could not imagine, and you weep night and dayto know that you were not abandoned,that happiness saved its most extreme formfor you alone.No, happiness is the uncle you neverknew about, who flies a single-engine planeonto the grassy landing strip, hitchhikesinto town, and inquires at every dooruntil he finds you asleep midafternoonas you so often are during the unmercifulhours of your despair.It comes to the monk in his cell.It comes to the woman sweeping the streetwith a birch broom, to the childwhose mother has passed out from drink.It comes to the lover, to the dog chewinga sock, to the pusher, to the basket maker,and to the clerk stacking cans of carrotsin the night.It even comes to the boulderin the perpetual shade of pine barrens,to rain falling on the open sea,to the wineglass, weary of holding wine.

Jane Kenyon
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You can take my life, but you'll never break me. So bring me your worst...And I will definitely give you mine.

Sherrilyn Kenyon, No Mercy
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It's easy to look at people and make quick judgements about them, their present and their pasts, but you'd be amazed at the pain and tears a single smile hides. what a person shows to the world is only one tiny facet of the iceburg hidden from sight. And more often then not, it's lined with cracks and scars that go all the way to the foundation of their soul.

Sherrilyn Kenyon, Acheron
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You're boring me, M'Ordant. Go away." V'Aidan"You can't be bored." M'Ordant"And a good thing, too, since I'd no doubt perish from it while in your company." V'Aidan

Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dark Bites
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Athena came to stand by her side. She reached out and ran a light touch over the read wrap. 'Nice dress."Grace frowned in disbelief. 'They're fighting to the death and you're admiring my clothes?'Athena laughed. 'Trust me, I pick my generals well. Priapus doesn't stand a chance.

Sherrilyn Kenyon, Fantasy Lover
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In case you haven't noticed, they're moving a lot faster. I don't know about the laws of physics on your planet, but where I come from an object moving at subclass speed can't catch up to one running at starclass. But if you know something about turbines, thrusters and engines, quantum or classical physics that I've somehow missed, then please enlighten me.- Caillen Dagan to Desideria Denarii

Sherrilyn Kenyon, Born of Shadows
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That's it, I'm going to beat you down and make you sorry."Xypher froze as he braced himself for her attack.But instead of her giving him pain, she tickled him. It took him several seconds before he realized her intent. By then she was pouting."You're not ticklish. Well, that stinks." She sat back and crossed her arms over her chest, hiding the breasts he loved to tease."I'm sorry," he said, trying to cheer her. "If it'll make you happy, I'll pretend to be." "No it's okay. Can't have everything, I suppose." She paused at the edge of the bed. "But you come darn close.""Close to what?""Being perfect. Only you're more than that, Xypher. You're wonde

Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dream Chaser
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Xypher flashed himself into Simone's bedroom, expecting to find her there.It was empty.Closing his eyes, he sensed for presences in the condo. There no Simone, but Jesse and Gloria in Jesse's room.Without thinking, he flashed in there to find the two ghosts naked on the bed. "Oh g-ds, I'm blind." He spun around to give them his back."Don't you knock?" Jesse said.

Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dream Chaser
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Simone couldn't move as she caught the hot look in his eyes. This was it and she knew it. She was lost to him. How could she deny him after all he'd done to protect her?"Simone!"She jumped at Jesse's shrill call.He popped into the room, then screamed like a girl. "I'm sorry. You two continue."Xypher let out a low, evil growl as he hung his head down and shook it over her. "I don't know about you, but that just killed my mood. The only thing to do more damage would would be to see Jesse naked. That would probably make me impotent for eternity. I think we just found the perfect birth control.

Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dream Chaser
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