What about when someone doesn't need a shoulder? What if they need the arms?

What about when someone doesn't need a shoulder? What if they need the arms?

Stephen Chbosky
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I just want you to know that you’re very special… and the only reason I’m telling you is that I don’t know if anyone else ever has.

Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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It's nice to have things to look forward to.

Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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If you are in a movie theater, you can look two people down and they are laughing while you are laughing or you can look three people down and they love that song that you love. It is living proof that you are not alone.

Stephen Chbosky
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Banning books gives us silence when we need speech. It closes our ears when we need to listen. It makes us blind when we need sight.

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And even if somebody else has it much worse, that doesn't really change the fact that you have what you have. Good and bad... Maybe it's good to put things in perspective, but sometimes, I think the only perspective is to really be there. Like Sam said. Because it's okay to feel things. And be who you are about them.

Stephen Chbosky
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You know I blamed Craig for not letting me do things? You know how stupid I feel about that now? Maybe he didn't really encourage me to do things, but he didn't prevent me from doing them either. But after a while, I didn't do things because I didn't want him to think different about me. But the things is, I wasn't being honest. So, why would I care whether or not he loved me when he didn't really even know me?

Stephen Chbosky
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I just reminded myself that she didn't say it mean. She wasn't making fun of me. She wasn't comparing. Or criticizing.

Stephen Chbosky
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I know I should have been grateful because it was a very nice thing to do. But I wasn't grateful. I wasn't grateful at all. Don't get me wrong. I acted like I was. But I wasn't. To tell you the truth, I was starting to get mad.

Stephen Chbosky
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I don´t want to be somebody´s crush, if somebody likes me, i want them to like the real me, not what they think I am.

Stephen Chbosky
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I feel great! I really mean it. I have to remember this for the next time I’m having a terrible week. Have you ever done that? You feel really bad, and then it goes away, and you don’t know why. I try to remind myself when I feel great like this that there will be another terrible week coming someday, so I should store up as many great details as I can, so during the next terrible week, I can remember those details and believe that I’ll feel great again. It doesn’t work a lot, but I think it’s very important to try.

Stephen Chbosky
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