And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…" he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word."What a stupid lamb," I sighed."What a sick, masochistic lion.

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…" he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word."What a stupid lamb," I sighed."What a sick, masochistic lion.

Stephenie Meyer
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Those who lived in peaceful nations had looked the other way as members of their own species starved on their door step.

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Um," Doc said in a mild voice, "medically speaking, I'm not sure that was the most helpful thing for his condition.""But I feel better," Jared answered, sullen.Doc smiled the tiniest smile. "Well, maybe a few more minutes of unconsciousness won't kill him.

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Did you know that 'I told you so' has a brother,Jacob?" she asked cutting me off. "His name is 'Shut the hell up'.

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Tonight the sky was utterly black. Perhaps there was no moon tonight—a lunar eclipse, a new moon. A new moon. I shivered, though I wasn't cold.

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No, actually 'The Host' was totally a palate-cleanser for me. I wanted to do something a little bit different than romantic love. Romantic love is in there, obviously, because I enjoy writing about that and living it a lot.

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It's sad when you can't make everyone happy, though. It's impossible but, at the same time, you still hope. You think, 'Maybe I can do it,' but you know you can't. But gosh, if I had to rely on giving people what they wanted, I would have had to write 40 billion different books and even then, I wouldn't get it right.

Stephenie Meyer
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I always write things that entertain me, and one of the things that I find really enjoyable to explore is the idea of love. I like looking at my own life and my friends and family and how love changes who you are. It fascinates me.

Stephenie Meyer
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