Lee Strobel Quotes

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To Jesus she already is somebody. Like the loving father of the prodigal son, Jesus is frantically scanning the horizon, watching for Madonna to return to him. He's absolutely convinced that she's so valuable that she's worth dying for. 'Greater love has no one than this,' said Jesus in John 15:13, 'that one lay down his life for his friends.' That's what He did for her on the cross!

Lee Strobel
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To Jesus she already is somebody. Like the loving father of the prodigal son, Jesus is frantically scanning the horizon, watching for Madonna to return to him. He's absolutely convinced that she's so valuable that she's worth dying for. 'Greater love has no one than this,' said Jesus in John 15:13, 'that one lay down his life for his friends.' That's what He did for her on the cross!

Lee Strobel, What Jesus Would Say: To Rush Limbaugh, Madonna, Bill Clinton, Michael Jordan, Bart Simpson, and You
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What did Isabelle want?" Jace asked.Alec hesitated. "Isabelle says the Queen of the Seelie Court has requested an audience with us.""Sure," said Magnus. "And Madonna wants me as a backup dancer on her next world tour."Alec looked puzzled. "Who's Madonna?""Who's the Queen of the Seelie Court?" said Clary."She is the Queen of Faerie," said Magnus. "Well, the local one, anyway."Jace put his head in his hands. "Tell Isabelle no.""But she thinks it's a good idea," Alec protested."Then tell her no twice.

Cassandra Clare
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Clown: Good Madonna, why mournest thou?Olivia: Good Fool, for my brother's death.Clown:I think his soul is in hell, Madonna.Olivia:I know his soul is in heaven, Fool.Clown: The more fool, Madonna, to mourn for your brother's soul being in heaven.

William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
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Even to someone as notorious as Madonna, I think Jesus would say, 'I'll help you experience the fulfillment that has eluded you despite your struggle to find it. I'll help heal whatever's driving you to affirm your self-worth in self-defeating ways. But I can only help you if you let me.

Lee Strobel, What Jesus Would Say: To Rush Limbaugh, Madonna, Bill Clinton, Michael Jordan, Bart Simpson, and You
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Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one Helen Keller is the other.

Erma Bombeck
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Never invite someone who is speaking a foreign language in your presence to "Go back to your country." The only time that phrase is every acceptable is if you are British and you are speaking to Madonna.

Celia Rivenbark, Rude Bitches Make Me Tired: Slightly Profane and Entirely Logical Answers to Modern Etiquette Dilemmas
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...you know I wanted a Madonna, not a whore - I made you sacred offering you my words...

John Geddes, A Familiar Rain
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I always thought I should be treated like a star.

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The self-confidence one builds from achieving difficult things and accomplishing goals is the most beautiful thing of all.

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I have the same goal I've had ever since I was a little girl. I want to rule the world.

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